Guitar Hero Wii Controllers Now Available - Gaming Consoles

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Guitar Hero Wii Controllers Now Available

guitar hero wii controller-wii system accessories-wii-

If your tired of rocking out by yourself or taking turns while playing Guitar Hero for the nintendo wii console, this month, Feb. 27th to be exact, you’ll be able to purchase additional guitar controllers for the Wii.

Because it's one of the wii system accessories you know it will be wireless- the possibilities are endless when wires are not a hang up. Once you've achieved StarPower, use the sensitive tilt-sensors in the wireless guitar to achieve maximum points. With five multicolored fret buttons and a super-responsive strum bar, you'll go from guitar hero to guitar legend.

Well for $69.99 you can have yourself an extra guitar controller, which is quite a steep price if you ask me. But like most rock legends you have to have your own guitar controller during Co-op Career mode cause having just one is a drag. So now you can rock until your little hearts content.


Termite said...

Man, that guitar is bone white..creepy