Wii Region Patcher Compatibility List - Gaming Consoles

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wii Region Patcher Compatibility List

modded wii-wii games-wii game system-wii mods

I've been receiving a lot of searches for a list of compatible games for the modded wii gaming system. After diligently serching I came across a few good forums about the subject but the one I chose to use for this post should be easy to follow for everyone.

This is from the information page on the forum:

"Using the same method as the current "partially region free" modchips, there are several computer applications which can replicate the effect on Wii ISO's prior to burning. They all use a very similar method of patching and compatibility should be identical between the applications and the modchips - consequentially this list can be used for both modchips and software patching methods (until these methods change)."

The forum list includes wii games that are compatible, games that are not and wii games that are partially compatible. The list also includes side notes to help you out.

So if you think this is what you're looking for you can check it out at the via link below.

[Via GBAtemp Forum]